​How green is LPG gas?

​How green is LPG gas?

18th Aug 2020

How green is LPG gas?

At first glance, natural gas and LPG may not appear green. Both are fossil fuels, and burning them adds to greenhouse gas emissions. However, natural gas and LPG only contribute to 8% of New Zealand's total greenhouse gas emissions, despite making up almost a quarter of the country’s primary energy needs.

How does gas stack up against its alternatives?

When it comes to heating your home, gas is one of the cleanest options you can choose. A heat pump may seem greener because it uses electricity and most of our electricity is generated from renewable hydro and wind sources. However, during winter those sources are supplemented from coal – and gas-fired sources – so winter electricity is only semi-green.

Wood is a renewable resource, but the big wood-burner problem is atmospheric pollution. Even the cleanest of modern wood-burners emit fine particles in their smoke, which can lodge in people’s lungs and cause respiratory problems. Wood burners also contribute to lower air quality in towns and even more rural areas. According to Land Air Water Aoetearoa (LAWA), Alexandra in particular has very poor air quality during winter months due to our unique cold and calm climate and pollution caused by wood burners.

Gas fires also emit greenhouse gases but are otherwise nearly pollution-free. When LPG is used instead of more polluting energy sources such as coal and oil, it helps improve air and water quality. So when you choose LPG for your home cooking, water and heating, you're reducing your family’s carbon footprint.

But isn’t electricity greener than gas?

Because of losses at the power plant and in power lines, electricity is only 30% efficient once delivered to you. In comparison, 90% of natural gas energy value is delivered directly to you and is one of the most efficient heating options today.